Saturday, October 6, 2012


I am currently finishing up an online class that I signed up for in August. It's called Spirit Cloth 101 and is led by Jude Hill, a wonderful embroiderer whom I admire for her whimsical and slow approach to quilting. AND, I'm having so much fun--it feels like play to me. Big shout-out to Jude Hill here.

In the class we created small sampler quilts by assembling the bases first. Those bases could be whole cloth, patch worked or woven. Of course there are other methods but these were the methods Jude taught. My favorite was the woven approach so that is how I proceeded with a base. I actually made several bases that I will use at a later date.

My sampler began with a 9-patch structure using the weave as the structure of each square and then the "what-iffing" began. I used a simple leaf shape for my focus using bits of fabric that I had laying around in my fabric stash. The leaves look playful, hence, the title. Also the word "play" will be embroidered in the top left corner.

laying out the leaves...
Finding ways to embellish has been engaging my creative abilities and I feel "at home" when doing hand stitching. That "at home" feeling seems to center me and makes life peaceful. It has a wonderful, meditative quality that I love being part of. My piece is not finished as each leaf needs a personality of its own. I will be adding some wind lines when the leaves are finished to give the piece movement. Here are some pictures of my work on this piece up to this point.

some embroidery has been added--still what-iffing on how to proceed
reverse applique
windblown tree on mini woven base

“It is a happy talent to know how to play.”
                                                                 ― Ralph Waldo Emerson


  1. it was fun to watch you go.....

    1. thanks Jude. and I am definitely moving along on my pieces. They are laying out on my work table and beg attention each time I look at them. worked on another woven base yesterday trying to insert fabrics in "the holes" chaning its look entirely. I so enjoyed the class and plan on continuing. re: me posting a link to you in my post... I felt is was necessary to share the wonderful work that you are doing and I hope you don't mind.

  2. I have taken a few classes from Jude and she is amazing. Your woven cloth is gorgeous and I really love the leaf motif you are using. Have fun!!!

  3. A beautiful little leaf collection, and I love your little tree.
