There have been many happenings so far this summer--camping at Fort Worden State Park, finishing a commissioned clergy stole for a good friend, going to the beach with the grandchildren and good friends coming to visit; not to mention a great July 4th party at our home. All of these seem to fill the great days of summer with great satisfaction despite the grayness. I must always remember that the rain helps everything stay green and we don't have to water so often. Also it keeps me indoors to work on my other passion--textile arts [smile here].
I got to put to use some of the training that I have been receiving at the Gail Harker Center for Creative Studies, when I was commissioned to make a communion stole for a friend of mine. This communion stole I designed and completed tested my abilities in the design area--not to say that I wasn't able; but for the first custom designed stole in a while, I was a bit nervous.
I've learned at the school that first you must research your subject [in this case wheat and grapes] in order to really understand it. Drawing the subject helps you to "see it for the very first time." In all, the stole came out quite well as you can see by the pictures here. And, so rewarding to complete a great project like this!
"It may be that the satisfaction I need, depends on my going away,
so that when I've gone and come back, I find it at home." --Rumi